论文: [1] 丛玉良,李晓雷等,Traffic flow forecasting by grey model and least squares support vector machine algorithm, Advances in Transportation Studies Thirty sixth issue, July 2015 pp.21_25 (EI) [2]Yuliang Cong, Yuying Lian, Huaihai Xu ,The Design of the Site Dynamic Balance Test Systme Based on ARM,ICMSIE 2016,page440-447(EI) [3]丛玉良,张书扬,徐丽敏,孙丽丽 Spectrum allocation algorithm based on users requirements under the circumstances of advanced user existence[J], Computer Modeling and New technologies, 2014,11,18(10), pp.91-103(EI) [4]丛玉良, 邢丽娟,毕家兴TSC DTV signal structure based on spectrum sensing algorithm,International journal on smart sensing and intelligent systems[J], 2013.12 vol. 6 No.5, pp.2136-2154 (EI) [5] .丛玉良 ,赵魏珏,李纯河 The DOA estimation algorithm based on a new decoherence method,Future Optical Materials and Circuit Design 2012 pp.179_183 (EI) [6] 丛玉良,张丽云,孙丽丽 Research of cooperation spectrum sensing based on covariance absolute value, Procedings of the 2012 2nd International Conference on Instrument Computer Communication and Control,Harbin,China,2012.12 pp.619_622 (EI) [7] 付清波,索辉,丛玉良,温度影响下短波近红外酒精度检测的传递校正[J],光谱学与光谱分析,2012.8, pp.2080_ 2084,(SCI) [8] 刘苗,王珂,丛玉良. 认知无线电中基于分派问题模型的优化PAPR算法[J],yl6809永利官网学报(工学版) 2011(6)(EI) 授权专利: 1 丛玉良,李晓雷等,一种短时交通流量的预测方法 发明专利 2015.12 ZL201410036172.4 2 丛玉良,关勇等,汽车空调控制系统 发明专利 2017.07 ZL201510408802.0 3 丛玉良,关勇等,一种电动空调控制系统 发明专利 2017.10 ZL201510408815.8 获奖 [1]基于动态信息的智能导航与位置服务关键技术研发与应用,中国公路学会科学技术二等奖,2012.12 丛玉良(第5名) [2]信号检测与处理系列课程的建设和改革与实践,yl6809永利官网教学成果一等奖,2013.05 丛玉良等 [3]信号检测与处理系列课程的建设和改革与实践, 吉林省教学成果奖三等奖,2014.02 丛玉良等 |