主要论文论著: 1. Yan Ma*, Qian Ma, Yongqin Liu, Jinwu Gao. Adaptive Optimization Control Strategy for Electric Vehicle Battery Thermal Management System Based on Pontryagin’s Minimal Principle[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023. (SCI, 1区) 2. Yan Ma*, Fuyuan Hu, Yunfeng Hu. Energy efficiency improvement of intelligent fuel cell/battery hybrid vehicles through an integrated management strategy[J]. Energy, 202301, 163:125794. (SCI, 1区) 3. Yan Ma*, Ce Shan, Jinwu Gao, Hong Chen. Multiple health indicators fusion-based health prognositic for lithium-ion battery using transfer learning and hybrid deep learning method[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 202301, 229: 108818. (SCI, 1区) 4. Xin Li, Yan Ma*. A Method for Simplified Modeling and Capacity, State of Charge, Current Distribution Analysis Based on Arbitrary Topology Connection Battery Pack[J]. Journal of energy storage, 2023, 57:106206. (SCI, 2区) 5. Yan Ma*, Cheng Li, Siyu Wang. Multi-objective energy management strategy for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle based on stochastic model predictive control[J]. ISA Transactions, 202212, 131:178-193. (SCI, 2区) 6. Yan Ma*, Meihao Yao, Hongcheng Liu, Zhiguo Tang. State of health estimation and remaining useful life prediction for lithium-ion batteries by improved particle swarm optimization-back propagation neural network[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 202208, 52(part A):104750. (SCI, 2区) 7. Yan Ma*, Ce Shan, Jinwu Gao, Hong Chen. A novel method for state of health estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on improved LSTM and health indicators extraction[J]. Energy, 202207, 251:123973. (SCI, 1区) 8. Yan Ma*, Jiayi Li. Iterative dynamic programming strategy for electric vehicle battery thermal management optimization[J]. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 202204, 7:2100602. (SCI, 3区) 9. Yan Ma*, Hao Ding, Yongqin Liu, Jinwu Gao. Battery thermal management of intelligent-connected electric vehicles at low temperature based on NMPC[J]. Energy, 202204, 224: 122571. (SCI, 1区) 10. Yan Ma*, Hao Ding, Hongyuan Mou. Battery thermal management strategy for electric vehicles based on nonlinear model predictive control[J]. Measurement, 202112, 186:110115. (SCI, 2区) 11. Xin Li, Yan Ma*, Jiajun Zhu. An online dual filters RUL prediction method of lithium-ion battery based on unscented particle filter and least squares support vector machine[J]. Measurement, 202111, 184:109935. (SCI, 2区) 12. Yan Ma*, Jiajun Zhu, Xin Li, Zhiguo Tang. State of charge and state of health estimation based on dual nonlinear adaptive observer and hysteresis model of lithium-ion battery[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 202107,13(4): 044702.(SCI, 4区) 13. Yan Ma*, Hongyuan Mou, Haiyan Zhao. Cooling optimization strategy for lithium-ion batteries based on triple-step nonlinear method[J]. Energy, 202006, 201:117678. (SCI, 1区) 14. Yan Ma, Yanfang Cui, Hongyuan Mou, Hong Chen, Jinwu Gao*. Core Temperature Estimation of lithium-ion Battery for EVs using Kalman Filter[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 202005, 168:114816. (SCI, 2区) 15. Yan Ma, Jinyang Zhao, Haiyan Zhao*, Hong Chen. Longitudinal-vertical integrated sliding mode controller for distributed electric vehicles[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 202004, 63(11): 219201. (SCI, 2区) 16. Yan Ma, Fan Zhang, Jinwu Gao*, Hong Chen, Tielong Shen. Oxygen excess ratio control of PEM fuel cells using observer-based nonlinear triple-step controller[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 202011, 45(54): 29705 -29717. (SCI, 2区) 17. Yan Ma, Xin Li, Guangyuan Li, Yunfeng Hu* and Qingwen Bai. SOC Oriented Electrochemical-Thermal Coupled Modeling for Lithium-Ion Battery, IEEE Access. 201910, 7: 156136-156149.(SCI, 2区) 18. Yan Ma*, Yang Chen, Xiuwen Zhou, Hong Chen. Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Battery Based on Gauss-Hermite Particle Filter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 201907, 27(4): 1788-1795. (SCI, 2区) 19. Yan Ma*, Peng Duan, Yanshuai Sun, Hong Chen. Equalization of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Based on Fuzzy Logic Control in Electric Vehicle[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 201808, 65(8): 6762-6771. (SCI, 1区) 20. Yan Ma*, Bingsi Li, Hong Chen. A nonlinear observer approach of SOC estimation based on hysteresis model for lithium-ion battery [J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 201704, 4(2):195-204.(SCI, 1区) 21. Yan Ma*, Jingpei Ru, Mingyue Yin, Hong Chen. Electrochemical modeling and parameter identification based on bacterial foraging optimization algorithm for lithium-ion batteries[J]. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 201611, 46(11): 1119-1131. (SCI, 3区) 22. Yan Ma*, Xiuwen Zhou, Bingsi Li, Hong Chen. Fractional modeling and SOC estimation of lithium-ion battery[J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 201607, 3(3): 281-287. (SCI, 1区) 23. 马彦*, 丁浩, 牟洪元, 刘永钦. 车载动力电池液体冷却非线性优化方法研究[J]. 中国公路学报, 2022, 35(8): 55-64. 24. 马彦*, 李佳怡, 马乾, 陈明超. 基于迭代动态规划的动力电池组热管理优化策略[J]. 汽车工程, 2022, 44(5): 709-721. 25. 马彦*, 丁浩, 牟洪元, 陈虹. 基于模糊PID 算法的动力电池液体冷却策略[J]. 控制理论与应用, 2021, 38(5): 549-560. 26. 马彦*, 陈阳, 张帆, 陈虹. 基于扩展H∞粒子滤波算法的动力电池寿命预测方法[J]. 机械工程学报, 2019, 55(20): 36-43. 27. 马彦*, 黄健飞, 赵海艳. 基于车间通信的车辆编队控制方法设计[J/OL]. yl6809永利官网学报(工学版), 2020, 50(2): 711-718.
授权发明专利: 1. 马彦, 白明等. 轮式里程计与陀螺仪信息融合的无人车定向定位方法, 2022.06.17, 中国, ZL 202011068292.4. 2. 马彦, 白明等. 利用车载行车记录仪动态监测路边停车位的方法, 2022.05.31, 中国, ZL202110364448.1. 3. 马彦, 丁浩等. 智能网联电动汽车高寒地区动力电池热管理优化方法. 2022.04.01, 中国, ZL 202110389142.1. 4. 马彦, 牟洪元等. 一种新能源汽车动力电池组液冷系统模糊滑模优化方法. 2022.03.11, 中国, ZL 202110461106.1. 5. 马彦, 牟洪元等. 一种新能源动力电池非线性冷却优化方法, 2022.03.18, 中国, ZL202010248138.9. 6. 马彦, 赵津杨, 等. 智能电动汽车路径跟踪模型预测控制方法, 2021.05.04, 中国, ZL 201811127310.4. 7. 马彦, 段鹏, 陈虹. SOC的电池组均衡控制方法, 2021.04.13, 中国, ZL201910339356.0. 8. 马彦, 张帆 等. 燃料电池空气供给系统模型预测控制方法, 2021.04.09, 中国, ZL 201811345140.7. 9. 马彦, 张帆, 陈虹. 一种车载燃料电池混合动力系统的能量管理方法, 2020.09.08, 中国, ZL201910413812.1. 10. 马彦, 崔燕芳等. 基于卡尔曼滤波的锂离子电池组的核心温度估计方法, 2020.08.11, 中国, ZL 201811440829.8. 11. 马彦, 殷明月 等. 一种锂离子电池机理建模方法, 2019.05.03, 中国, ZL 201510296543.7. 12. 马彦, 李炳思等. 倒立摆的非线性控制器设计方法, 2018.11.13, 中国, ZL201610582536.8. 13. 马彦, 周秀文等. 锂离子电池的电化学机理建模方法, 2018.09.25, 中国, ZL 201410597670.6. 14. 马彦, 李炳思等. 锂离子电池荷电状态和健康状态联合估算方法, 2017.12.19, 中国, ZL201510794095.3. 15. 马彦, 周秀文等. 锂离子电池SOC估计方法, 2016.01.20, 中国, ZL 201310115517.0. |